Saturday, April 30, 2016

Healing and Spiritual Properties of Gems and Crystals

By  Bob Hamilton   What Are Spiritual Meanings? It is unknown how the spiritual and healing attributes and values of gems came into... thumbnail 1 summary

What Are Spiritual Meanings?
It is unknown how the spiritual and healing attributes and values of gems came into being, but most have been around for thousands of years. Stones and crystals each vibrate to different energies and perhaps it was years of observation that led to the meanings. Stones and gems have been used in cleansing chakras, magical healing spells and sometimes when carried on the person or in their home.
Some people use the attributes and values of gems when meditating to help them focus on particular problems and increase their spiritual energy or improve their psychic development. Besides healing properties and psychic improvement stones and crystals are also used to improve worldly conditions, such as prosperity levels.
Stones to increase prosperity include citrine, green aventurine and jade. While green aventurine is often thought of as a stone that is especially good for gamblers, bringing good luck. It also helps bring abundance, money and general happiness. Even the name supports games of chance, since the stone got its name from the Italian word "Aventura," which translates as the word chance. It enhances not just prosperity, but also creativity and career success. Citrine is known as the money stone or success stone and the most powerful if you want good fortune. It manifests good fortune and abundance in many ways, sometimes ways you don't expect. It's also a protective stone, as well as manifesting goals and wealth.
A stone often thought of to represent or bring love is a rose quartz, which is often referred to as the crystal of love. It not only helps attracts love, but also helps prepare the person who owns it to be prepared to receive love by clearing out the negative emotional baggage and soothing the psyche. It's the most powerful stone to use for matters of love.
Healing stones vary widely by what they are to heal, whether psychic, material or physical and if physical, the part of the body that needs healing. Rose quartz is often considered the heart healer, both physical heart problems and emotional ones. The agate helps heal upset stomachs, while people use amethysts for headaches. Fluorite is used to keep negativity at bay and provides protection. Ametrine provides help with depression, while Amazonite gives strength and stamina.
Other healing stones include golden rutilated quartz for respiratory problems, hematite for grounding, stones with copper in them for arthritis, jetstone for the liver and aquamarine for the liver, throat, stomach and nerves. When using stones for balancing chakras, the color is the most important attribute, although some stones simply possess more energy than others do.

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